Friday, January 13, 2012

Waiting for you artwork

I paint an art today and tittled it "Waiting for you". I used photo reference for the Background. Here's the WIP. You can see i used Maskin' Fluid to make some light effect especially the flowers. i'm to lazy too made the detail so the background looks messy enough =_=a

Here's the result after i scaned it and edited it in Photoshop :
My Pallet :

note : all the contents in this blog is ©depinz 2012. You can't use it without permission.


  1. mantap sekali.. teknik ngewarnainya mirip2 sama shel yang, tapi kalo shel yang mah nuansanyah ke biru dan ungu, depins mah banyak pake warna ijo dan oranye yah?
    bte cet aer newton enakeun? mahal ya?
    reeves sayah masih banyak, ada cet aer sakura juga, leubar kalo ganti teh.. bising mubajir ^^a

    1. oit, wah gak tau ya kalo caranya mirip", saya mah buat" aja, cuma saya emang suka pakenya tekhnik basah XDDDmgkin karena sy ngidolain dy drdlu jadi kadang suka mirip", kebwa" suasana ;A;

      cotman warnanya lebih keluar, dulu sy makenya reeves, cuma capek n boros karena warnanya gak bisa muncul" (burem) harganya skitar 360 kemaren ak beli, lupa ^^a

      tengkyu bnyk komennya, btw gimana nih cara follow blog ya O___o mau balik follow tpi gak mudeng ;A;
